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Docs: Linux

Route DNS requests of a subdomain to a specific DNS server

Using systemd-resolved, you can create a file under /etc/systemd/resolved/resolved.conf.d/, call it custom.conf. In this file, add the following:

This will route all DNS requests to domain matching the pattern *.<SUBDOMAIN> to your server.
Restart systemd-resolved service to reload the configuration:
sudo systemctl restart systemd-resolved

Allow Discord to start without checking updates

Useful when the version in the package manager isn't yet up to date with the latest release. Add the following line in ~/.config/discord/settings.json:


Too many open files - Failed to initialize inotify

You can do an ad-hoc raise of the max_user_instances parameter:

echo 256 | sudo tee /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_instances # (1)! 

  1. You can put a higher value than 256 if needed

You can also persist this configuration by adding a configuration file under /etc/sysctl.d/, call it custom.conf with the following line:

fs.inotify.max_user_instances = 256 

Force dark mode on GTK-3 applications in Gnome DE

Add the following line in your ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini file (or create it if it doesn't exist):


Select power usage profiles using TuneD

You can verify if TuneD is running via the command

systemctl status tuned

You can check the available profiles (and the current one) in TuneD by running the command

tuned-adm profile

To set a profile, use the following command (will require admin privilege)

tuned-adm profile <PROFILE_NAME>

Syscalls tracing

Note: strace prints its output to stderr to avoid mixing it with the output of the traced command, we need to forward that output to stdout

  • Trace filesystem syscalls, replacing all file descriptors by file paths and grepping:
    strace -fyrt touch myfile 2>&1 | grep myfile

Extract text from a variable

$ TOTO=ref/tag/1.2.3
$ echo ${TOTO#ref/*/} # This pattern-matches the variable and extracts the remaining text